Becky Stone
Yoga Teacher
E-RYT500, Childrens-RYT, Pain Care Aware Level II, Director of Programming & Lead Faculty of the South Okanagan Yoga Academy (SOYA)
With over 20 years of yoga practice and well over a decade of sharing yoga as a teacher and yoga teacher trainer, Becky feels blessed to have gained extensive training and experience in the traditional hatha yoga practices of postures, pranayama (breath work) and meditation. Working closely in mentorship with a physiotherapist over the same time line has resulted in yoga offerings that are rooted and authentic, combined with insights into modern functional movement principles. This experience allows her to share yoga in a way that meets the student where they are at, with the ultimate goal of establishing lasting vitality, balance and well-being.
Private yoga appointments are available in one-to-one settings in person, in your home or online via Zoom. Contact her to create your own small group class/series or special event for your friends or family. Non-profit and corporate rates available upon request. All prices can be scaled based upon need.
Community yoga classes are offered weekly in semesters in the Root To Crown centre studio and also live streamed online via Zoom. Drop in spots *may* be available but registration for the series is recommended. *Space is limited* Check the event calendar for most up to date class schedule.
South Okanagan Yoga Teacher Training and in depth studies in yoga philosophy and techniques are offered in various locations and dates throughout the year. Contact her to learn more or go to